Monday, March 9, 2009

Henry Fielding (1707-1754)

Henry Fielding (1707-1754) was one of the fathers of the English novel. He was also an established dramatist. His works are generally comic and frequently ironic. He was one of the first English novelists who (unlike, say, Defoe and Richardson) didn't try to pretend that his works were actual memoirs or letters.

Associate the following works with Henry Fielding.

Shamela and Joseph Andrews
-Both parodies of Richardson's Pamela.
-Joseph Andrews, Shamela's brother, appears to be resistant to losing his virginity.

Tom Jones

-Mocks the moral rigidity of contemporary writers.
-Characters: Tom, Squire Allworthy, Blifil, Lady Bridget, Sophia Western.
*Opening passage commonly appears on the exam.

If you want to read more, you can't really go wrong with any Fielding, but Joseph Andrews and Shamela, usually published together, are shorter.