Saturday, March 28, 2009

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)

John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) was a British Victorian essayist, philosopher, and political economist. He was a classical liberal and a leading proponent of utilitarianism.

For the GRE Literature exam, associate the following works with J. S. Mill. In each case, a summary knowledge of the content will suffice.

1. On Liberty
-Most famous for its concept of the tyranny of the majority.
2. The Subjection of Women
Co-written by his wife; an early argument (1869) for the equality of the sexes.
3. Autobiography
-All you need to know is that it includes an extended account of a bout of depression ("melancholia"); the GRE folks like to trip you up with this one, since it's not typical Mill.
4. "What is Poetry"
-Link goes to a summary of the central arguments.